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Ephebos by Kostya Tsolakis




Poetry pamphlet published by ignitionpress

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Detailed Description

Young, Greek and gay: Ephebos maps a fragile coming of age, exploring the shame, courage and yearning of emergent sexuality. From a sun-drenched Athenian adolescence to adulthood in England, this exquisitely wrought pamphlet confronts an abiding sense of ‘falling short’ – of being Greek, conforming to ideas of masculinity, being a good son, of communicating fully with loved ones and strangers. Above all, these poems deal with the pursuit of happiness on one’s own terms.


Delivery will be charged as follows: 

  • Per pamphlet UK £1.65 & International £6.00
  • To purchase more than 3, please contact ignitionpress@brookes.ac.uk

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