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Exposure by Eric Yip




Poetry pamphlet published by ignitionpress

If you would like to buy any three pamphlets (except Spit Valve, Burntisland, and Glass Knot Sun), you should select the Sale Bundle option. If you would like to purchase more than three, please contact us on ignitionpress@brookes.ac.uk


Detailed Description

This much-anticipated pamphlet from Eric Yip presents a subtle range of emotionally attuned poems against the backdrop of displacement and dissolution. Guided by cinema and the photographic image, these poems are visual, sometimes experimental as they address historical, colonial, and familial relationships through the gauze of remembrance. Faceted yet intimate, precise and enthralling, but above all, the confident debut of an assuredly talented writer.


Delivery will be charged as follows: 

  • Per pamphlet: UK £1.65 & International £6.00
  • Please note: we cannot currently ship to the EU
  • To purchase more than 3, please contact ignitionpress@brookes.ac.uk


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