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He Said I Was a Peach by Katie Byford

He Said I Was a Peach



Poetry pamphlet published by ignitionpress

If you would like to buy any three pamphlets, you should select the Three Poetry Pamphlets option. If you would like to purchase more than three, please contact us on [email protected]


Detailed Description

Katie Byford’s vital poems resound with a chorus of restless voices. Stifled by male power and drunken violence, the women of these verses nevertheless speak, alive in Byford’s compelling writing. Persephone defies her ‘mud king’, Pygmalion’s creation describes her own drowning, Clytemnestra plots revenge in a hotel bathroom. Encountered alongside stories from contemporary life, myth embodies profound wounds which will not heal. Yet in this pamphlet, the women can be heard, enduring in their pain and fear and calling us to see them differently.

Delivery will be charged as follows: 

  • Per pamphlet: UK £1.65 & International £6.00
  • Please note: we cannot currently ship to the EU
  • To purchase more than 3, please contact [email protected]


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