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Shadow Dogs by Natalie Whittaker

Shadow Dogs



Poetry pamphlet published by ignitionpress.

If you would like to buy any three pamphlets (except Spit Valve, Burntisland, and Glass Knot Sun), you should select the Sale Bundle option. If you would like to purchase more than three, please contact us on ignitionpress@brookes.ac.uk


Detailed Description

Shadow Dogs is a collection of concise, haunting poems of suburban tales
half-told, whose visceral and disturbing images are conveyed with unexpected
intrigue. This is an absorbing debut delivered with acute, tender emotion from
a writer who genuinely cares for their craft. These twenty-one poems herald a
poet coming of age.

Delivery will be charged as follows: 

  • Per pamphlet: UK £1.65 & International £6.00
  • To purchase more than 3, please contact ignitionpress@brookes.ac.uk

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