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Staircase by Zein Sa’dedin




Poetry pamphlet published by ignitionpress

If you would like to buy any three pamphlets, you should select the Three Poetry Pamphlets option. If you would like to purchase more than three, please contact us on ignitionpress@brookes.ac.uk


Detailed Description

Staircase is an extraordinary debut, exploring landscape, locality and the constructions of a self that inhabits and manoeuvres through many layered textures – mediated by the cultural influences of music and other artistic forms. Those familiar with the neighbourhoods on the seven hills of Amman will recognize the places named, yet all readers will be entranced by them. The Arabic script interwoven through the poems allows the printed word to reflect the literary contours and evocative images contained within this intensely crafted work.


Delivery will be charged as follows:

  • Per pamphlet UK £1.65 & International £6.00
  • Please note: we cannot currently ship to the EU
  • To purchase more than 3, please contact ignitionpress@brookes.ac.uk

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