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Three Poetry Pamphlets.

3 poetry pamphlets



Three poetry pamphlets published by ignitionpress. Choose from: Spit Valve, Glass Knot Sun, and Burntisland


Detailed Description

Buy three of the latest pamphlets (Spit Valve, Glass Knot Sun, and Burntisland)
for a reduced price of £14. Please tell us when prompted during the ordering process which three you would like to buy (three pamphlets by the same poet, or two pamphlets by the same poet and one by another, or one pamphlet from each of three different poets).

Delivery will be charged as follows: 

  • Set of 3 pamphlets: UK £3.30 & International £9.00
  • Please note: we cannot currently ship to the EU
  • To purchase more than 3, please contact ignitionpress@brookes.ac.uk


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