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3. Certified Certificate Copy (ACCA/BSc Applied Accounting)




Only select this product if you are a graduate of the BSc in Applied Accounting and already have your original printed certificate. You will need to send us a scan of your original certificate. We will check and electronically certify the image for you.

This is a pdf-only service.

Note: WES (World Educational Services) WILL accept pdfs from us.


Detailed Description

Please complete all fields in this form accurately and completely, so that we can certify and despatch your Certificate Copy as quickly as possible.

To comply with UK law, we will ask you to provide proof of identity.  This will be in the form of a scan of your passport ID page, or a similar official document in English.  To reduce delays, please send required proof of ID to acca@brookes.ac.uk as soon as you make your order, qouting your OBU online shop order number.

We process all orders as soon as possible.  We aim to have orders ready to despatch within 10 working days

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