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PDF Transcript

PDF Transcript



An academic transcript is a formal document that provides confirmation of the final grades and credit you achieved on your modules. PDF Transcripts are produced on a headed document and contain a digital hologram as proof of authenticity. They cannot be signed or stamped.


Detailed Description

If you place your order from a non-Oxford Brookes University email address, we will ask you to provide proof of identity before we process the order. This will be in the form of a scan of your passport ID page, or other similar official document in English. 

To reduce delays, please send required proof of ID to amo-onlineshop@brookes.ac.uk as soon as you make your order, quoting your OBU online shop order number and your name in the subject line of the email.

One order covers the processing and provision of one document. If you have studied multiple courses, please make separate orders for each document required. It is not possible to produce multiple documents from one order. 

In line with the University Data protection policy, we can only process orders placed by the student/alumn for their own documentation. We can send your document(s) directly to a third party if requested: please indicate the third party's email address in your order. 

Please note that records and documentation for students who studied with us prior to 2011, or at an Associate College Partnership, may take longer to retrieve, and in some instances, may not be fully available. If we are not able to fulfil an order, a refund will be issued.

We will aim to process transcript orders within 10 working days. 

Any questions about your order can be sent to: amo-onlineshop@brookes.ac.uk 

Do not order a transcript in this online shop if:

  1. You have completed a BSc Applied Accounting course via the ACCA route. Those students must purchase their documents from the ACCA online shop here: https://shop.brookes.ac.uk/product-catalogue/oxford-brookes-business-school/acca
  2. You graduated from the RIBA Studio: RIBA Certificate in Architecture (Part 1) or the RIBA Diploma in Architecture (Part 2). Please contact ribastudio@brookes.ac.uk for your transcript.
  3. Your qualification is a research degree. Please contact rdt-researchdegrees@brookes.ac.uk for more information. 
  4. You studied in Health and Life Sciences and require a Professional Transcript (Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Hong Kong, Social Work, Midwifery). For a Professional Transcript, including practice hours and further information, please order from the HLS online shop https://shop.brookes.ac.uk/product-catalogue/faculty-of-health-life-sciences/transcrip

 Submission to WES

  • We are able to send electronic documents to WES through a secure document sharing portal. 
  • In your order, please indicate your WES reference number, as well as your own email address where we will send confirmation once your order has been processed.
  • If you have a WES form you need us to submit along with your document(s), please email a good quality scan directly to our online shop amo-onlineshop@brookes.ac.uk quoting your order number. 

Current students 

  • Current students are able to order their interim transcript. 
  • However, we are not able to produce transcripts for current students during the results suppression windows. This will be the case during periods where the examination committees are meeting, but the results have not yet been released. 


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