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OSCE Train The Trainer

Virtual Training Workshops for delivering OSCE assessments.

OSCE Train The Trainer

PCPUK 2025

Preparing the Candidate for Practice in the UK Workshop (Face to Face) 2025


As experienced professionals in your field of expertise, you are best equipped to spur motivation, share knowledge and consolidate commitment in nurses and midwives seeking to work in the UK.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
Preparing the Candidate for Practice in the UK Workshop (Face to Face)
23/01/202523/01/20250£450.00[Read More]
Preparing the Candidate for Practice in the UK Workshop (Face to Face)
27/02/202527/02/20250£450.00[Read More]
PCPUK 2025

Virtual Preparing the Candidate for Practice in the UK Workshop


As experienced professionals in your field of expertise, you are best equipped to spur motivation, share knowledge and consolidate commitment in nurses and midwives seeking to work in the UK.

StartEndCourse Fee 
Generic Preparing the Candidate for Practice in the UK Workshop
16/01/202516/01/2025£150.00[Read More]
Generic Preparing the Candidate for Practice in the UK Workshop
06/02/202506/02/2025£150.00[Read More]

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